Wednesday, September 06, 2006


The title is an inside joke for anyone that watches ventriloquist Jeff Dunham. I first saw his routine almost 15 years ago and have been laughing ever since. He has an ensemble of 5 characters now and also does a bit of stand-up which is quite an expansion from the 1 character I originally saw.

Anyway, there was a traffic mishap on H-1 yesterday, the main freeway for those that are not familiar with local roads. The name itself is amusing since it is an "interstate" but does not travel interstate, but that is a discussion for another day. A large piece of machinery being transported from Pearl Harbor to Schofield hit a concrete pedestrian overpass and managed to close the freeway since crews had to clean away debris as well as remove the mauka (mountain-side) section of the walkway. This had the very unfortunate effect of snarling traffic all over the island since rush hour traffic was all funneled onto a secondary highway. I do not believe my speedometer left the 0 mark for most of the trip home, a distance of maybe 15-16 miles.

Normal traffic was restored by this morning, but the event still has people talking since a 2-hour drive does not happen every day and of course, everyone wants to know who was at fault for what appears to have been a preventable incident. One of the hazards of living in Hawaii . . . limited space and only a couple of roads to get from one spot on the island to the other. Relatively speaking, I doubt it is much of a hardship. It may be irritating when it happens, but not really something to go ape-nuts about.

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