Sunday, June 28, 2020

How to Reduce Fear & Anxiety About Disease & Death

Found these steps on the Psychology Today website and I thought they were pretty good (from a non-theist point of view)

10 Tips for Reducing Health Fears.
  1. Understand that fear sells and you're being manipulated.
  2. Assess the real risk.
  3. Shield yourself from the media.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Tap into your inner knowing.
  6. Dissociate from your fear.
  7. Push the limits of your comfort zone.
  8. Affirm your courage
  9. Surround yourself with courageous people
  10. Trust the Universe (God from a Christian perspective)

The sad truth is that too many people are operating on fear and blindly taking in all the fear-mongering from social media, print media and the like.  We really need to stop, take a step back, look at all the things we still have and be grateful.  Think about the real issues and analyze facts to make decisions, not feelings.

I am not a germaphobic, hypochondriacal child

Wearing a mask when you are out and about and not sick does not make any sense. Granted, if you are going into a healthcare facility situation where there is a high prevalence of the virus then by all means wear something if you want (I don't plan to), but as a general rule walking around in public please knock it off with the masks. In those countries cited for wearing masks in public, the people that are sick are the ones wearing them. The healthy people are not wearing a mask. Wearing a mask does not prevent you from getting sick, it is meant to prevent the larger droplets from a sick person from being spread around. If you are not sick the mask does not prevent anything. Why would you put up a chain-linked fence to keep out mosquitoes? That is the scale we are talking about when it comes to the size of a virus and the size in the pores in the cloth of the typical mask people are using. If someone is immunocompromised, they should already be taking precautions since even a common cold would be trouble. Those people don't ordinarily go out into the public and mingle, and the people that do visit them stay away if there is any chance of getting them sick. There are also many studies that show that wearing a mask when you are healthy is actually detrimental to your health. Also, wearing a mask in a healthcare facility is an entirely different scenario and would be comparing apples to oranges. The masks the workers use are fitted to their face and designed to filter out virus-sized particles. They are very different from the handmade ones that are cropping up all over the place. Never in the course of human history has a disease outbreak been treated like this. History will look back and say "What a bunch of lily-livered, frightened children."