Friday, September 01, 2006

6 of one, half a dozen of another

There was a public debate on PBS between Senator Daniel Akaka and Representative Ed Case last night. The Senator's seat is in play and there are more than a few people that would love to take it from him and not just on the Republican side. A few Democrats have stepped up to challenge the incumbant and as far as who will actually come out on top is anyone's guess. The leader in the polls really depends on who you talk to; Rep. Case's side will say he is ahead and Sen. Akaka's side will say he is ahead.

One has to say Rep. Case has some chutzpah since he is going against the "accepted" way of doing things and challenging the Sen. for the seat rather than letting the reigns be passed to him as they were passed to the Senator. For me, outside the obvious age difference and seniority difference there are not a whole lot of things to differentiate between the two. Rep. Case is saying many of the things that resonate, however, looking at his voting record and other public records does not line up with the rhetoric. For the time being, that is all it is . . . the same rhetoric being parroted; one side has years of experience, the other side wants a change.

We honestly have heard all of it before and for all intents and purposes, nothing really has changed. I suppose I should have watched the debate to keep myself informed about current local events, but found myself surfing over to Sci-Fi to catch the end of "Exorcism" and "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" instead. A debate between a couple of Democrats just does not spark a great deal of interest in my head since they will only repeat the things they have been saying since before I was born.

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