Tuesday, August 04, 2020

What in the name of all that is holy are we doing to ourselves?

I found a really cool website that has all the covid data for Hawaii that you can download in a number of different ways.  I pulled the fatalities, active cases, cumulative total and hospitalizations, then graphed the in one chart.

The fatalities is pretty much a flat line.  Hawaii has 27 fatalities as of 8/4/2020, and at least 21 of those are over 65.  The hospitalized number is pretty much a flat line as well.  Hawaii broke 200 hospitalized, but I don't know if those are concurrent or not.

From what the graph shows, Hawaii is now experiencing its first wave.  All the people in charge did was postpone it until now.  Way to go.

Honestly, WHAT THE HECK ARE PEOPLE FREAKING OUT ABOUT?!?!  We had more traffic fatalities in 2019 than covid deaths.  Are we all supposed to stop driving now?  Instead of trying to alleviate the public fear and get things back towards normalcy, the powers that be are just keeping the fear porn hot and heavy.

Hawaii's Lt. Governor proposed locking the state down because the numbers are spiking.  All I have to say to him is, "You rat bastard."

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