Monday, July 06, 2020

Thoughts on July 4th

I have to admit that I haven't read up on important figures from American history beyond the most well known ones.  I don't remember when I started reading the Declaration of Independence and Constitution (this one takes a while to get through) along with the Bill of Rights, but this year I started looking at speeches that people made on or about the 4th of July.

I listened to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s July 4th, 1965 speech

I listened to Frederick Douglas' July 5, 1852 speech

I listened to Calvin Coolidge's July 4, 1926 speech

Dr. King called for having the right attitude as we move into the future and denounced any race to be raised above any other.  He said he was convinced that black supremacy was as dangerous as white supremacy.  He did not want one tyranny to be replaced with another.

These speeches talked about the greatness of the American Dream and how much good this country has done.  Of course Frederick Douglas denounced slavery because it was an evil injustice, but one that was taken are of.  He also praised the Founding Fathers for the ideals they had and the direction he wanted things to go.

I admit that I never paid much attention to Calvin Coolidge, but after hearing and reading his speech on the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence I have a new understanding and appreciation for our 30th President and the wisdom he had.

Every year brings new knowledge and every year brings new appreciation for this great country.  Yes, there were problems in the beginning, but I challenge anyone to show me a country that had a perfect start.  A country that starts out perfect only has downhill to go.  The United States of America is not great in and of itself and it is not perfect.  The United States of America is great because of the ideals that were instilled in its creation and the mechanism it has to improve and grow.  And it does grow and mature and improve as long as it remembers its history and those ideals

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