Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Much Ado About Nothing

Have you ever run across those people that magnify or fabricate trouble in a situation which makes things worse or harder than they need to be?  Have you ever had to work with those people?

It is one thing to encounter them in passing, but to have to deal with their hypersensitivity and exaggeration on a regular basis is quite exhausting.  I have found that the most effective way to handle them is to put them on the side after responding to them one time.  Fueling the crazy does not work at all and serves to make the spiral into absurdity even faster.  I like to keep things simple and uncomplicated as much as possible.  The more complex the solution becomes, the more likely something is going to screw up.

With email, Outlook makes this really easy with rules and separate folders where they can spin in their own little world all to themselves while the actual important things are taken care of.

Text messages are trickier.  I need to find a messaging app that does the kind of message sorting that Outlook does except for text messages.   There might be one out there, I'm almost positive there are, but I have not taken the time to seek one out.  Maybe I should.

Phone calls are both simple as well, but could become a tricky situation.  Caller ID makes forwarding calls easy, but having the right phone system to use it effectively or even have the forwarding functionality problematic.  However, eventually calls have to be taken and/or returned.

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