Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New phone

Finally got a new smart phone (Galaxy SIII). The deal was too good to pass up (both the phone price and the monthly). When smart phones made their debut on the market I was lukewarm about them. I don't really consume content to the degree that warrants a smart phone. I navigate quite well without needing a GPS device or anything else to tell me where I am or where to go.

 The Galaxy SIII is the first smart phone I actually wanted. It has a sleek design, light and fairly easy to use. Now that I have one, I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I've started making ringtones for my different contacts and configuring the various settings needed for the different apps.

 Some people might prefer the iPhone to the SIII; more power to them. It's a good phone and I'm not going to waste my time bashing it with my opinions nor will I make any comparisons since that too is a waste of time. People will like what they like. Research the options and pick the one that best fits your needs or pick one based on your own criteria.

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