Over the past year and a half, perhaps longer, I have come to detest the phrase "Stay safe". It has become the embodiment of everything wrong with what has been done, is being done and will be done during this cluster-muck of a "emergency". For goodness sake, since when does any "emergency" last over a year. Anything that lasts that long is not a true emergency.
Life is not safe and it is delusional to think that anyone can make it so. No one gets out alive as the saying goes, but getting injured is a part of life. Our bodies and mind can heal because of that fact. Avoiding injury is the wrong way to do anything. You end up missing out on the wonder that is being and thrills that go along with experience. You might as well lock yourself up in your residence and live in a hermetically sealed bubble if you want to be safe. No, fortifying your mind and attitude to deal with life and everything that comes with it is the much better way to do things. When you think about it simply, were the nerds (and I are one of those) that studied all the time, did not go outdoors and play, and stuck to themselves end up to be the healthiest and happiest? I would challenge anyone that says they are. Safe, yes, they were probably very safe, but healthiest and happiest, no, they are not.
I made a conscious decision to stop using the phrase "stay safe" after thinking about the meaning of that saying is. It is a weak saying and not something you should wish upon anyone. It treats them like a child that is incapable of handling what life throws at them. I rather tell people to "have a great week" or "have a great trip" as a way of setting the default to a positive expectation.