Monday, December 20, 2021

ONLY Han shot plus Greedo was really stupid

I think about this subject from time to time and chuckle at the various "discussions" especially the "Han Shot First" memes.  In reality, the accurate phrase should be "Only Han Shot" or "Greedo Was Stupid".  Here are the points to prove my assertion:

1. Greedo prevents Han from leaving the cantina at gun point

2. Greedo does not disarm Han

3. Greedo directs Han to sit in a booth and keeps the gun trained on Han

4. Han slouches in his seat and assumes a relaxed posture, concealing his gun below the table

5. Conversation between Greedo and Han continues.  Greedo keeps the gun trained on Han.  Han looks up and to the left while speaking as well as moves left hand idly to distract from right hand motion.

6. Han releases gun from holster and draws the gun below the table

7. Greedo makes statement indicating he is about to kill Han ("That's the idea. I've been looking forward to this for a long time." in response to Han saying "Over my dead body")

8. Han fires and kills Greedo

Mistake #1: Point 2

Mistake #2: Point 4

Mistake #3: Point 6

Only Han shot AND Greedo was stupid 


Friday, December 03, 2021

"Change the law" argument

Changing the law should not be the go to answer to society's problems.  This ignores the personal responsibility everyone should have.  Reduce prison populations and adjust sentencing simply because demographic group A, B or C is disproportionately represented (as many people argue) is a horrible idea and does not address the underlying problem. The only question that should be asked is if the law is in line with the Constitution. Any considerations beyond that should come after the behavior of demographic group A, B or C is evaluated.

In other words, to quote Jim Carrey from Liar, Liar, "Stop breaking the law, @$$hole!"

Thursday, December 02, 2021

So much uproar recently

So many high-profile cases have dropped all at once, some overlapping each other.  In one that has so many very intelligent people on different sides of the issue, it is very interesting to evaluate the perspectives as a way to see how someone views other issues.

This shooting in Lubbock, TX, between Kyle Carruth and Chad Reid is as clear as mud depending on who is doing the explanation.  I was watching VivaFrei's sidebar with Andrew Branca and Robert Barnes and it was interesting seeing the differing points of view.  There were good points made on both sides of the discussion.

To address what Andrew was saying, which was not an unreasonable assessment; I don't believe that it's reasonable to think that the encounter was over when Kyle was tossed off the porch, and Chad was feet away (6, 8, 10, it doesn't ultimately matter) when viewing all the various parts of the encounter as a whole. This is where much of the disagreement occurs for this case. 

If Kyle had not fired when he did there was a very good possibility (I would argue it was a certainty based on what happened up to this point) that Chad would have charged Kyle again to take the gun away and use it on Kyle or simply beat Kyle, possibly to death. What Kyle believed at the time is what matters rather than our assessment after the fact. Here are the relevant things I see when watching the videos.

  • Kyle was entitled to produce his gun and demand Chad leave since he did not comply the first time he was told to leave. Bringing out a gun on your own property is legal in Texas. Kyle does not brandish it or use it in a threatening way. He holds it at high ready when he emerges and demands that Chad leave.
  • Chad escalated the situation by not leaving and threatened to take the gun and kill Kyle while Chad charged up to Kyle.
  • Kyle fired a warning shot which appeared to be an attempt to de-escalate and make Chad back off which we see did not work. This could be an indication of an initial unwillingness to kill, but that feeling changes later.
  • Chad escalated the situation by grabbing the gun and tossed Kyle off the porch while failing to obtain the gun in the process.  It is entirely possible Kyle had an "Oh sh**!" moment while flying through the air and became afraid for his life.
  • When Kyle fired, he was landing from the toss and regaining his footing. It appeared to be the first opportunity for a clean shot and prevent Chad from continuing the encounter, i.e., neutralize the threat.
  • Chad, at every chance, indicated he was going to continue the encounter if he had the chance in which case, it is reasonable to believe Kyle was in fear of his life.


Chad threatened to drag everyone into court before Kyle appeared with the gun. Why didn't he storm off and follow through with that? Of course, this tragedy didn't have to happen, but it did because someone didn't control himself.

Monday, October 04, 2021

Creeping Tyranny

It started out as "2 weeks to flatten the curve".  I held out hope until 3/30/2020 that I could go on my Disneyland trip during the first week of April.  No such luck.  Too bad, so sad.  Frankly, I was annoyed and irritated back then, now there is a bubbling anger that has a lid on it.

18 months later, things are still stupid to a ridiculous degree.  Can't go inside a business without a mask, no matter that it does about as much good as a chain link fence does to keep out mosquitos.  Talking about a shot like it is God's gift to the world in spite of no where near the level of scrutiny has been given to it that other shots have been given.  I refuse to call it a vaccine because it is not.  It does not grant immunity and it does not prevent transmission.  Two things that were said that it did, but it turns out does no such thing.  Companies have been sued for less.  And they are talking about boosters?  After 3 months?  Have fun with your quarterly booster.

"Trust the science" is repeated ad nauseum except when anyone points out actual science, then it's "just do what you're told".  The data is all there for anyone to see.  Some have even compiled it into easy to read formats, but the raw data is also available.  This is not the plague or zombie apocalypse.  When a disease has an average mortality age higher than the average lifespan on has to wonder ... Dubya Tee Eff.

Honestly, the 2020s will be known as the decade of the dumbass because that is the kind of person in charge and walking around with their head up their hind-side (presumably for the warmth)

Seriously, though, where does it end because the last time stuff like this crap came about there were some countries capable of stopping it (and it got pretty bad before it did get stopped), but now ... there isn't anyone to stop the tyranny.

Saturday, October 02, 2021

Unsettling perspective

 I'm not sure why I was thinking about the seven deadly sins, but I have been off and on for the past year and a half during this "pandemic".  It seems to be more and more prevalent these days among people and it doesn't seem like people believe there is anything wrong with it..

Pride – everything is about self 

  • Social media has exacerbated this to the nth degree especially with young people (ugh, never thought I'd use that phrase)

Envy – it’s not fair; x group has more stuff, x group has better things 

  • You see this with political correctness and "woke" mentality.  It isn't about equity which is equal outcome.  It is about equality which is equal opportunity

Wrath – if you don’t like it, protest it, boycott it, destroy it 

  • Antifa, BLM, fill in the blank group that excuses bad behavior and lashing out.  They solve nothing and only serve to hurt people and destroy property.  No one is left in a better position.

Sloth – how can I get something for nothing?  how can I excuse being lazy? 

  • There is nothing wrong with trying to get more done with less effort.  I would argue that it is smart to be efficient, but this is trying to make doing nothing appear to be accomplishing something

Greed – I deserve this, I deserve that; outsource charity to the government 

  • The entitlement mentality does so much damage to a person.  It saps their productivity, their creativity and charity

Gluttony – how can I get more?  food, property, liberty 

  • This is an unfortunate result of an age of abundance where scarcity is not widely known.  It does not mean that it does not exist, but even the most poor in the US is close to wealthy in other parts of the world.

Lust – nuff said 

That being said, what can be done to "combat" the seven deadly sins.  Well, there are seven virtues that go against the sins

Humility cures Pride  

Kindness cures Envy  

Patience cures Wrath  

Diligence cures Sloth  

Liberality cures Greed  

Diligence cures Gluttony  

Chastity cures Lust  

Whether or not these are entirely relevant or not remains to be seen, but thinking about the seven deadly sins in the course of contemplating big decisions would go a long way to bettering the outcome

Friday, September 24, 2021

Restoring nerddom

With all the rubbish going on in the world, I felt the need to write something fairly inconsequential in the grand scheme and fun.

There was a Big Bang Theory episode where Amy "ruins" Raiders of the Lost Ark for Sheldon and the rest.  She said that Indy wasn't needed.  The nazis would have found the Ark, opened it and all died without him.  They were digging in the wrong spot, but that is only because they had an incomplete copy of the medallion.  

The flaw in her argument is that the man in black, Toht, followed Indy to Marion.  If Indy did not go to her, they would not have found the medallion in order to locate Tanis where the Ark was buried.  So, Indy was an integral component to the story.

Thursday, September 09, 2021

Here we go again

For the past few months it has been delta, delta, delta when it comes to the covid-19 disease.  Now that delta is losing its oomph, they are moving on to the mu variant.  How much longer before the doom and gloom shifts to this new variant and the nonsense starts all over again?

Honestly, what is this aversion to getting sick?  There is a total irrational fear about this and a complete lack of faith in ones own immune system.  The numbers were not there when it came to the mortality rate for this thing especially when it comes to the younger.

You want to talk about selfish?  It is the old people that are the selfish ones making policy that is detrimental to the current and future health of the next generation.  I'm closer to the older side than previously, but the principle is the same.  The utter irony of this sentiment coming from someone that played hooky from school by dancing in the grey area of being sick is one that I will constantly talk about.

To all the politicians and policy makers out there ... GET A GRIP ALREADY!

Friday, September 03, 2021

Stay Safe

Over the past year and a half, perhaps longer, I have come to detest the phrase "Stay safe".  It has become the embodiment of everything wrong with what has been done, is being done and will be done during this cluster-muck of a "emergency".  For goodness sake, since when does any "emergency" last over a year.  Anything that lasts that long is not a true emergency.

Life is not safe and it is delusional to think that anyone can make it so.  No one gets out alive as the saying goes, but getting injured is a part of life.  Our bodies and mind can heal because of that fact.  Avoiding injury is the wrong way to do anything.  You end up missing out on the wonder that is being and thrills that go along with experience.  You might as well lock yourself up in your residence and live in a hermetically sealed bubble if you want to be safe.  No, fortifying your mind and attitude to deal with life and everything that comes with it is the much better way to do things.  When you think about it simply, were the nerds (and I are one of those) that studied all the time, did not go outdoors and play, and stuck to themselves end up to be the healthiest and happiest?  I would challenge anyone that says they are.  Safe, yes, they were probably very safe, but healthiest and happiest, no, they are not.

I made a conscious decision to stop using the phrase "stay safe" after thinking about the meaning of that saying is.  It is a weak saying and not something you should wish upon anyone.  It treats them like a child that is incapable of handling what life throws at them.  I rather tell people to "have a great week" or "have a great trip" as a way of setting the default to a positive expectation.

Quick thoughts

Wow, has it really been 9 months since I last posted my thoughts?  I could have had a baby in that time.  Anyway, I joined Locals to follow VivaFrei and Robert Barnes and I joined Odysee to follow Dr. Sam Bailey.  They are some sane voices in the land of absurdity that is present day existence.  

Honestly, how did things get so off the rails?  Even my normally clinically and rationally minded mom is sort of on board the crazy train.