Honestly, the people in charge in Hawaii don't have a clue. They can't even define a goal that's reasonable and achievable. "Stop the spread"? What the heck kind of goal is that? It started out as "don't overwhelm the healthcare facilities" which is not an unreasonable goal, but they were never in any danger of being overwhelmed and are still not in any danger. Sure, the number of cases (and what the heck is the definition of a case anyway? Does anyone know?) is rising quickly, but the number of hospitalizations and deaths is not. Those rates are relatively flat and manageable, so what in the name of all that is holy are we still doing to ourselves.
I feel like the last sane person in the State of Hawaii. I'm not really sure why I find this whole mask debacle so patently offensive. It galls me way more than the ridiculous airport policies that were put in to deal with stuff in the aftermath of 9/11 which is a faded memory for many people unfortunately, however, I still doubt the effectiveness or necessity of such measures.
Analysis of the policies is what is missing and what should done. What worked, what didn't work, what can be done to change what didn't work into what does work. Those are the things that need to be addressed after a certain amount of time, and 3-6 months of the latest policies I think is a sufficient amount of time to say whether or not any of it was worth doing. But, no, the State government is incompetent and thinks that if they do more of something that doesn't work it'll eventually work, damn the consequences and who it screws over.
Life is not safe. Life is unpredictable. Stuff happens that is beyond our control and you deal with it the best you can. This obsessively unreasonable attitude people have about getting sick is beyond my comprehension. What people are doing now is not living. We are in the most beautiful place in the world and people are so damn scared of getting sick they can't enjoy it and live their lives.