I thought about what else I could try to bake into a chocolate chip cookie during idle moments walking from here to there. The obvious first thought was a Twinkie, but when thinking about how to do the cookie itself I came to the conclusion that it would be problematic to get the chocolate chip cookie formed well around the Twinkie. (One of these days I might try it for the heck of it)
A Ding Dong was the next candidate and didn't seem like too big a challenge ... it's round and not excessively wide, diameter wise. A co-worker suggested Reese's Peanut Butter Cups which seemed an even more perfect candidate upon reflection.
So, with idea in hand, I set about putting a Ding Dong in a chocolate chip cookie and a Reese's peanut butter cup in a chocolate chip cookie. The short of it is that the Ding Dong attempt was a structural failure (though they taste great). The Reese's peanut butter cups were a success.