I keep hearing "social justice" bantered about in various places and decided to think about exactly what it entails. From what I can tell, it encompasses six of the seven deadly sins:
Envy: Coveting the possessions of others
Sloth: Getting a multitude of freebies
Greed: Wanting more and more
Gluttony: Consuming and spending without limits
Wrath: Advocating or commiting violence against others
Pride: Believing you know best for everyone
Lust is not one the can be attributed to social justice unless you count the decay of shame and simple decency stemming from increased "tolerance", but that can be a discussion all by itself.
Decent people don't want to do these things to others and for the most part consider them bad (I wouldn't go so far to say evil, but you could make the case). Many, if not most people, haven't sat down to think about what "social justice" really means and it's not really a good concept for people to buy into at all.
10/1/2013 Update: After reading this entry again and pondering the "last" deadly sin I came up with an appropriate description of the attribute.
Lust: Obsessing about things to the detriment of others.
Lust takes on a broader definition to include the obsession over anything and not merely sex.
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
Experiments in baking
I tried a Double-stuff Oreo Chocolate Chip cookie recipe a month or so ago and the results were pretty good. The cookies were malformed, but tasted just fine. I should post some pictures of the final cookies ... might do that when I get them off this digital camera.

I thought about what else I could try to bake into a chocolate chip cookie during idle moments walking from here to there. The obvious first thought was a Twinkie, but when thinking about how to do the cookie itself I came to the conclusion that it would be problematic to get the chocolate chip cookie formed well around the Twinkie. (One of these days I might try it for the heck of it)
A Ding Dong was the next candidate and didn't seem like too big a challenge ... it's round and not excessively wide, diameter wise. A co-worker suggested Reese's Peanut Butter Cups which seemed an even more perfect candidate upon reflection.
So, with idea in hand, I set about putting a Ding Dong in a chocolate chip cookie and a Reese's peanut butter cup in a chocolate chip cookie. The short of it is that the Ding Dong attempt was a structural failure (though they taste great). The Reese's peanut butter cups were a success.

Monday, March 14, 2011
As the reports and news continue to filter in, it's important to remain calm and refrain from perpetuating feelings of dread and panic. The casualty figures continue to rise and the time to respond is when those details are confirmed, not before. We can all pull together to do our part in helping out however we can during this difficult time.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
While it is scary to think of a magnitude 8.9 earthquake and the terror the people going through it must have felt, a little perspective is needed (granted it is easy to say that being thousands of miles away) but I feel the need to express frustration for all the commentary on the opposite side of the spectrum ... people expressing shock and horror at the images; seriously overreacting to the situation in my never humble, but always honest opinion.
The earthquake itself was 15 miles down and 80 miles from the coast so people had sufficient time to get to higher ground. Also, buildings are build with earthquakes in mind so that helps to minimize injuries. Initial reports say that there have been single digit fatalities from this massive earthquake compared to the hundreds and thousands in past quakes. There has been significant and serious structural damage, yes, but the human cost is comparatively small. For that people need to be thankful. Enough with the dismay already ... buildings, like other material things, are replaceable.
The earthquake itself was 15 miles down and 80 miles from the coast so people had sufficient time to get to higher ground. Also, buildings are build with earthquakes in mind so that helps to minimize injuries. Initial reports say that there have been single digit fatalities from this massive earthquake compared to the hundreds and thousands in past quakes. There has been significant and serious structural damage, yes, but the human cost is comparatively small. For that people need to be thankful. Enough with the dismay already ... buildings, like other material things, are replaceable.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Unexpected Developments
The announcement that Senator Daniel Akaka will not run for re-election in 2012 came as a surprise to just about everyone ... I'm sure there were some insiders that were privy to the information before it was released, but for the most part it was a stunning revelation.
The usual praises and well wishes are flowing now ... great statesman, served the interests of Hawaii well, etc., etc., etc. I wonder if anyone is going to do an honest, close examination of the good senator's record and how effective he was in reality. If the definition of effective and good is the fact he voted along with Senator Daniel Inouye then yes, he probably was.
There has to be a higher standard set for our elected representatives and given that senator Akaka is a member of the party that got us into the current fiscal mess and helps perpetuate the status quo, it can be said with certainty that he really was't as good for the state or effective as people say.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Gubernatorial Idiocy
Here we go again ... tax and spend and tax and spend ... ad nauseum. I should have posted a prediction so that I was on the record for saying this is exactly what our current governor was going to do regardless of all the rhetoric he spewed during the campaign.
Abercrombie the Zombie makes a lot of noise about raising money for the budget, but what he ought to be focused on is reducing the amount of spending being done and the level of waste. He's a typical Washington D.C. bureaucrat with the financial savvy of a kumquat. And the lame-brained legislators go along with it and are of the same deficient mentality.
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